Monday, January 14, 2008


Ali's been feeling a bit under the weather for the past several days, with varying degrees of queasiness. Well, I could tell she was stressed out about something and she finally said maybe we should pick up a pregnancy test. Even though I was 95 percent sure what the results would be, I knew I had to go pick up the test if either of us were going to get any sleep last night. In the meantime, I caught Ali asking Jake if he wanted another baby sister or brother. He said "ok" and Ali asked him what we should name the new addition to the family. I figured he'd say Pokeeno Baby, since Pokeeno is the pre-fix he assigns anytime we ask him what something's name is. "Pokeeno Tiger" or "Pokeeno Kitty" or "Pokeeno Taxi". But that's not what he said this time. He simply replied, "Baby Jesus".

Oh, the test results were negative, by the way.


Anonymous said...

Baby Jesus, hmmm... Sounds like someone has been watching Talladega Nights a bit...

Cara Schatz said...

what about cow?
Cow Baby says: you ok mommy?

mommy says: im ok im just a little bit scared of babies.