Saturday, November 3, 2007

Friday, November 2, 2007

Number One Fan

Sadie doesn't care if this tiny guitar is out of tune. She's a good listener.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Sucrose vs. Bedtime

Here's an interesting Halloween experiment:

  1. Give a two-year-old a bucket of candy and tell him to have just one or two pieces.
  2. Of course you give in and let him have three or four pieces.
  3. Now try to keep him from just eating the entire pile. See if you can hide a piece or two in between temper tantrums.
  4. Observe as toddler bounces off walls and speaks in gibberish (more than usual).
  5. Watch clock as bedtime comes and goes. Toddler has probably invented new games consisting of constant jumping and limb-waving, and possibly banging head against wall.
  6. Mention bedtime.
  7. Hide (or insert earplugs to save hearing).
  8. Instructions at this point vary with your particular situation, but somehow transfer flailing toddler to crib and hope for the best.
  9. Once toddler is in bed, destroy all evidence of Halloween and in the morning pretend you don't know the meaning of the word "candy".


Happy Halloween!

Here's a preview of the kid's costumes, if you can't make it Trick-Or-Treating tonight in the cul-de-sac. Here's Jake as Buddy Holly and Sadie as, um, Buddy's number one fan? Peggy Sue? Anyway, she's in a poodle skirt, and she's cute.

Tonight we carved the pumpkins, which meant we (Jake) spent 10 minutes pulling out pumpkin guts, and then we (not Jake) spent two hours picking up slippery pumpkin seeds from the floor.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Great Pumpkin

We've been watching the Great Pumpkin over and over to get ready for Halloween. Jake's two questions about the show cracked me up: 1) Where that white doggy go? 2) What that teacher say? (Wah wah wah wah wah).

Nice day for a hike

This morning we went for a hike on the Difficult Run trail that heads down to the Potomac River. Beautiful day, lots of nice fall foliage, and some sun for a change.