Thursday, September 11, 2008

Back to School Night

Last night was Back to School Night at Merritt Academy where the kids have been going for two weeks now. It was fun to hear stories about the kids and to talk with their teachers (without the kids running around or crying or jumping or talking or screaming or....) We learned that Jake takes his weekly jobs very seriously -- this week he's Door Holder. He loves to make and play with Gak, and to build with blocks and play with trains. And he's in love with a little girl named Grace. Hee hee!

In Sadie's class, they talked about how she's still adjusting, but doing much better and feeling more comfortable every day. It was nice to hear that for someone like Sadie who had never been in daycare, she was doing great. To help with the transition, they've been letting Sadie wear her backpack all day. Apparently, it's her security blanket and she tries to put it back on if they take it off and hang it up. We knew about this, but didn't quite know the extent of her addiction. Her teachers showed us some pictures of the kids finger painting. They were all in just diapers so their clothes didn't get custom paint jobs, except for little Sadie, who was wearing her diaper.............and her backpack. It was too cute. But, they said yesterday was the first whole day where she didn't wear her backpack!! So, we're making progress!

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Here are a couple of pictures from the girls' trip to NYC:

And here we are at Union Station, picking up Mommy and Gram:

And enjoying some ice cream...