Friday, March 21, 2008

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Birthday Pictures

Even though Sadie was (and is still) fighting a mild fever, she seemed to have fun at her little party. Here are some pictures.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Happy Birthday Sadie!

It's Sadie's birthday, and she's running a fever. She's a trooper, trying to play and have fun, but she's just not feeling well. And Jake has some kind of frog in his throat, so he's not himself either. Poor little guys.

On Friday, we went in for Sadie's one-year checkup and she's doing great! Here are the stats:

Weight: 19 lbs, 9 ounces (30th percentile)
Height: 31.5 inches (99th percentile)

Sadie has been walking all over the place lately. She's walked outside on the sidewalk, at the park, and she even walked up a little playground step. She's so happy she can finally go outside and at least try to keep up with the big kids. We're so proud of our little "Texas Ranger". And, she's starting to babble a little more, too. Every once in a while we hear something that sounds like "uh oh" or maybe even "da da".

So far, Sadie really seems to enjoy climbing and being thrown up in the air and tossed around. She's more of a daredevil than Jake was at that age. She loves to make eye contact, and she's started to lean in for "kisses". She's also pretty good at high-fives and maybe a wave now and then.

It's going to be a fun summer with two toddlers!

Check out some new pictures here and here.