Yesterday Ali took the kids out to Frying Pan Farm Park to see all the spring baby animals. We were telling Jake the night before about the trip and he asked "will there be mud?". We said, "yes, there will be mud, since it's rained for the past three days". "And will there be pigs?". "Yep, there will be pigs, and lots of baby piglets." "And can we roll around in the mud with the pigs?" "Absolutely," I said, knowing I would be at work. I do need to be more careful about saying things like that because Jake is starting to get a pretty good memory - "Daddy, last night you said we could have chocolate cake for breakfast!"
I'll say pretty much anything to get him to go to sleep....
First, a belated Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there! It was a rainy rainy weekend, and we played around with the video camera a little bit on the iMac:
Yes, Sadie is in yellow sunglasses. She loves to accessorize. And can you see her pigtails?! Ali just put them in this weekend and it's the cutest thing I've seen in my entire life.
Mothers Day was pretty dreary out, so after a nice breakfast, we found an Indiana Jones marathon on cable and began to explain the story to Jake. He was pretty interested in what was going on, but had trouble saying "Indiana". Finally he heard Short Round call him "Dr. Jones" and that was much easier to get out. There were LOTS of questions, like: "Are Nazis bad?", "Why is Dr. Jones mad at that guy?" and "The monkey didn't like that date?"
All this rain really makes it tough to entertain the kids. At least Sadie is getting much better at keeping herself occupied, and at keeping up with Jake. She's been watching Jake play "ReadySetGo" for so long, and she finally got in the race with him this weekend! For those that don't know, ReadySetGo is the amateur sport where you stand with your back against the front door, say "ReadySetGo" and then sprint into the living room and crash into either the chair or the couch, depending on track conditions.