Sunday, April 19, 2009

Overdue Stats and Deck Update

Yes, I know Sadie turned two a month ago. But my analysis team has been out on vacation. Here's the latest height/weight stats with Sadie's two-year numbers entered in. No surprise that she weighs less than both Jake and I did at two years, but she's still taller than where I was at this age (and taller than over 95 percent of other girls).

Sadie has grown so much in the past few months. She's definitely entering into that defiant two-year old stage, and something tells me it's not just a "terrible twos" thing. Her independence is shaping into a defining characteristic. Sadie and I regularly get into "debates" where she simply will not back down. I'll say something innocuous like, "Sadie would you like a pear" and she'll reply "No. It's apple." And back and forth maybe 20 times, with her staring me right in the eye the whole time. She stands for what she believes in, and does not back down. Great personality trait, but exhausting for a parent.

Our new deck is pretty much finished and we finally had our inaugural picnic this weekend. The hamburgers never tasted so good! The only thing that could top this al fresco experience would be some furniture.
Here are the girls practicing their yoga while the hamburgers cook on the grill.