Friday, April 20, 2007

Thursday, April 19, 2007


Jake runs, Sadie cries
They have so much energy
Ali needs a nap

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


It's not that I'd forgotten how a newborn can disrupt the sleep pattern-- I guess I just thought I'd be better able to handle it this time. But sleep is tough to do without, even if you're prepared for the lack of it. I read on a website that the average newborn results in the loss of 450-700 hours of sleep for the parents in the first year. That works out to about an hour and a half a night on average. That might not sound like much for those of you who don't have kids, but when that 1.5 hours is split up into, say, six 15 minute segments a night, the normal sleep cycle is disrupted in a way that quickly begins to affect the waking hours.

According to another website, the only organ that really needs sleep, as opposed to "relaxed wakefulness," is the brain. All other organs can rest and repair while you are awake and relaxing.

Sadie is sleeping pretty well for a newborn (and better than Jake did at her age), but she still wakes up to feed usually three times a night. A few nights we've been rewarded with just one feeding, but on other nights, an upset tummy has kept us up more than we've slept.

What I'm getting at, is that lack of sleep is really starting to give Jake the upper hand here, and I think he's starting to realize it.

He's got a little laugh that's somewhere right between the "Ah-Ha!" of Bob Wills and the sarcastic "Ha Ha" of Nelson from the Simpsons. He seems to use it to add punctuation to any little act to reminds us that in our current state of grogginess we are no match for his cunning.

If this chart is correct, and it must be since I found it on the internet, we should see some relief over the next month or two. Until then, if you haven't heard from for a few days, please contact Jake and ask him to untie us.

Monday, April 16, 2007

One Month

We took Sadie in for her one month checkup today and everything looks great. The doctor was really impressed with her weight gain and responsiveness. Here are the stats:

Weight: 9 pounds, 6 ounces (60th percentile)
Height: 23 inches (97th percentile)
Head: 14 1/2 inches (50th percentile)

She's following in Jake's footsteps so far: average weight and very tall. Ali's worried that she's going to be the shortest one in the family.

Sadie has been a pretty content baby so far. She tends to get a little fussy around dinnertime, but still sleeps most of the rest of the time. When she's awake her eyes are opening wider now, and she has this cute, worried-looking sideways glance that seems to say, "please don't leave me alone with Jake." Jake's pretty good to her, giving her kisses and checking up on her when she naps, but he does sometimes get excited and forget she's not yet as sturdy as he is. She's definitely been awakened a few times by his not-so-gentle taps. I think he's just anxious for her to be able to help out around the house. After all, it's hard work taking out every toy and distributing them evenly throughout the house, day in and day out.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Date Night

Jamie and Heidi offered to watch the kids Saturday night so we could go out to enjoy a dinner with no food throwing or crying or time outs. They know the value of this offer - they have three boys. On Jamie and Heidi's recommendation, we tried an Italian place we'd driven past but never been to. The food, service and ambiance all reminded us of the New Jersey Italian-American restaurants that Ali's pretty familiar with. The menu listed all the standards, plus some interesting specials (Salmon in phylo with ginger sauce). The servers seemed to all know their customers - ours grew up in Falls Church and had her high school graduation party here. It was definitely a neighborhood favorite. And we loved it. I had that salmon special and Ali and a pasta with seafood fra diavolo. Both were great. The cannoli got two thumbs up from Ali, and she's used to little Italian bakeries that sell the cannoli filling and shells separately so you can fill them yourself at home to keep them fresh. The food was great, but just relaxing over an unhurried dinner was something special. Thanks Jamie and Heidi!