Thursday, April 12, 2007


Jake had a nightmare last night. Apparently it had something to do with firetrucks. He was crying and crying and just kept saying "firetruck". It was so sad. I wonder what could be so scary about firetrucks. They come up a lot in our daily conversations. And firetrucks play a central role in several of Jake's books. But they are never involved in scary situations. In fact, they make housefires look like fun. The firefighters are always smilling, and no one is ever in danger. I wonder what he thinks a firetruck is.

For that matter, I wonder what he thinks a robot is. When he and I first started playing with blocks I would usually end up building what I told him was a robot. It would have legs, arms, and a square robot head with two eyes. I would make it walk funny and talk in a robot voice. Now when we get out the blocks he usually asks me to build a robot. He also has a set of PJs with robots all over them. He loves them. "Robots! Robots!" What the heck does he think a robot is? At least he doesn't have nightmares about them. I think robots are much scarier than firetrucks. Except for the Roomba.

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