Monday, April 16, 2007

One Month

We took Sadie in for her one month checkup today and everything looks great. The doctor was really impressed with her weight gain and responsiveness. Here are the stats:

Weight: 9 pounds, 6 ounces (60th percentile)
Height: 23 inches (97th percentile)
Head: 14 1/2 inches (50th percentile)

She's following in Jake's footsteps so far: average weight and very tall. Ali's worried that she's going to be the shortest one in the family.

Sadie has been a pretty content baby so far. She tends to get a little fussy around dinnertime, but still sleeps most of the rest of the time. When she's awake her eyes are opening wider now, and she has this cute, worried-looking sideways glance that seems to say, "please don't leave me alone with Jake." Jake's pretty good to her, giving her kisses and checking up on her when she naps, but he does sometimes get excited and forget she's not yet as sturdy as he is. She's definitely been awakened a few times by his not-so-gentle taps. I think he's just anxious for her to be able to help out around the house. After all, it's hard work taking out every toy and distributing them evenly throughout the house, day in and day out.

1 comment:

PatrickandDeni said...

Oh Ryan, you're so clever...or was it witty? hee hee. Glad Sadie is healthy and happy!