Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The Late Night Sadie Show

Sadie is fighting sleep tonight. She's sitting in front of me, in her little baby lounger, looking at me with wide-open eyes. I took her for a walk after Jake went to sleep, to give Ali a break. She was quiet in her stroller, but wide awake. We'd go for long dark stretches between street lights, where I could barely see her face and kept hoping she'd nod off. But every time the street light shone on her face again, there were those big open eyes staring back at me. For a while she even had her neck craned up as if she were trying to get a better look at her surroundings. Don't worry little Sadie, you won't miss anything if you go to sleep.....

1 comment:

Gram & Poppy said...

Sadie must miss the cool fresh air at the lake. Hope she sleeps better for you tonight. We miss you all.