Friday, June 22, 2007


We've had to give Jake a bath almost every night this week since we've been playing in the giant dirt pit across the street where Jamie and Craig's house used to be. They've dug out the foundation, and finally started pouring some concrete today. The guys usually clear out around 4pm, and then neighbors all come out soon after, either checking out their progress, or playing in the dirt (the two groups are usually broken out by age, but not always.) Jake loves climbing on the dirt piles, and then loading up his little dump truck while making this face and dump truck noises. Sometimes he and I walk down dirt piles holding hands, and if he slips a little he says excitedly: "Jake has roller skates!" He's a little obsessed with roller skates. He can spot a kid wearing heelys 10 Target aisles away. "ROLLER SKATES!!"

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