Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Nice day

It's a little bit cooler today, and I'm glad summer is finally starting to give way to fall. On top this beautiful weather, Ali brought the kids in to visit me at work today. It was story hour at the bookshop downstairs, but today they had little-kid yoga instead. It was just Jake and another little boy and when I walked in they were doing tree and lion poses.

Afterwards, we went out to Enjera for Eritrean food with Fred. If you like Ethiopian food, you'll love Eritrean food. Actually, it seemed to be identical to Ethiopian, but I didn't want to point this out since I think those two countries don't get along too well. They give you a giant piece of round, flat sourdough-y bread, with little piles of food on top. We had some lamb, chicken, beef, lentils, potatoes, etc. Then, they give you more of the bread that you use to scoop up the toppings. I think Jake was a little confused, although he did seem to like the spinach topping. But mainly he just went around to all the other tables and brought the salt and pepper shakers back to our table. Luckily we were the only ones in the dining room.

And the best news of all is that Sadie has been sleeping through the night for the past four nights!!! One night she woke up needing a diaper change and went right back to sleep, but other than that she's been going 11 or 12 hours!!! We're so excited we didn't want to even talk about it for fear of jinxing it.


Stacey said...

Interesting. I was wondering about the Eritreans a few months ago when I saw them protesting at the mall. About oppression or something? I wasn't really listening. Story of their lives.

Anonymous said...

Did Jake do Big Lion "ROAR!"
Tiny Lion "roar?"