Monday, October 15, 2007


This afternoon, Jake picked up a little bowl we use to give him snacks and walked it over to me and said "chocolate poooooding??" I told him we didn't have any chocolate pudding and he thought about this for a minute and then said "capers?" Yep, this kid loves his capers. "They're little flowers," he mumbles, while stuffing 10 into his mouth all at once. I told him they were little un-opened flower buds about a month ago. It sure is funny what he remembers.

1 comment:

Cara Schatz said...

That is impressive. A) Capers are disgusting and clearly jake has more mature palette (how do you spell that?) than Cara. 2) I had no idea that they were little flowers. Jake is also more educated than Cara. Excuse me while I go eat some chocolate pudding and doritos.