Wednesday, December 5, 2007


The other night we made ricotta cheese and anyone who enjoys food should try this. It was fun, easy and yum. Here's the story:

Heat 1 quart whole milk, 1 cup heavy cream and 1 tsp coarse salt in a saucepan over medium heat. As soon as the milk starts to simmer (little bubbles all over) turn off the heat and pour in 2 TB white vinegar. Just let it sit quietly for 1 minute, then stir gently for about 2 minutes until you see the curds and whey start to separate. Pour the mixture into a colander lined with cheesecloth (oh, that's why they call it that) that is set in a bowl to collect the whey. Wait a minute and pour out the whey. Then, let the curds drain for another 15 minutes and you, sir, have some homemade ricotta cheese!

What will you do with this ricotta cheese?? Well, you can use it to make complicated things like lasagna or cheesecake, but I suggest something more simple like drizzling it with some nice olive oil, a sprinkle of salt and pepper, maybe some fresh herbs if you want to get fancy, and then spreading it on some crusty bread. Or maybe just drop a few spoonfuls in your mixed-greens salad. Or, sprinkle some sugar, cinnamon and chocolate shavings on top for a simple dessert. Leftovers will be happy in your fridge for a week, so you have plenty of time to enjoy your homemade treat.

1 comment:

carol said...

And to think your love of cooking started when you were 3 or 4 and mixing sliced bananas into yogurt for a yummy snack! You sure have come a long way:)
