Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Today the big activity was a haircut for Jake. We go to a little barbershop in Falls Church (where the Jacksons go, too) and they're really good with kids. Normally Jake sits on my lap, but today he saw an older kid sit there on his own, so he wanted to do the same. Jake was so good - he sat still, he moved when she asked him too, and he even made small talk! "So what's your favorite color?" "Ummm, red".
And here's Sadie thoroughly enjoying some mashed sweet potatoes.
And here's a shot from my hike with Jake today. We went on a tiger hunt, but couldn't find any near this creek. At one point, to keep things interesting, I gave him a stick and told him he was Captain Hook. "And who are you Daddy?" "Well, I guess I'm Peter Pan". So, for the rest of the hike, he stuck with it, and I was Peter Pan. "Can I throw a rock in the river, Peter Pan?" "What we doing, Peter Pan?" "Where's the tigers, Peter Pan?"

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Oh please say Ryan was wearing green tights. New St. Patty's Day outfit?