Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Team Lightning McQueen

I made mac n' cheese for the kids (and me) today. As we were sitting around the table, Jake looked at me and said, "Look, Sadie has tiny mac n' cheese and you have mac n' cheese and I have mac n' cheese!" I said, "Yeah!" Then he looked at me with a sideways glance, gave me a thumbs up and said, "Its Teamwork!"


Gram & Poppy said...

And what a great team it is!

Stacey said...

That is how I feel about "teamwork" too. What did Jake and Sadie do to help make the mac n cheese?! Oh yeah, they ate it.

Anonymous said...

umm, maybe Jake and Sadie can come over and watch Cars with Joel- its pretty much his new favortie movie. Totally serious.