Thursday, May 22, 2008

Jocelyn Turns Three

One of the Three Musketeers - Jocelyn - recently turned three, and her parents threw a fun pajama party complete with scavenger hunt and story time. I hate to say it, but this may be the last big hurrah for the Three Musketeers, as they may be going their separate ways this summer. Jocelyn, Rachel and Jake have been buddies at daycare since they were babies.

Jocelyn was pretty excited to have all her friends at her party, and played the part of a good hostess, bouncing all over the room and playing with everyone. Jake and Rachel were pretty much joined at the hip, sitting next to each other for pizza, and playing together most of the night.
And here's Jocelyn enjoying her fruit cup:

And here's Sadie doing her best Johnny Cash impression (anyone? anyone?):

1 comment:

Pat Carr said...

Woohoo! What a party! All the kids look really cute and that Sadie can really "walk the line."

Happy Birthday Jocelyn!

Gram & Poppy