Friday, May 30, 2008

Spotlight on Sadie

Jake stayed down at the lake with Poppy and Gram for the rest of the week, so it's pretty low-key at the house this week. I think Sadie is really enjoying the extra attention she's getting. She's getting pretty talkative, although we still don't have any official words yet. Lately, she's been saying something like "pay" and pointing when she recognizes someone or something. Here she is saying "pay" and pointing to the neighbor's cat.

And here's another shot of my little princess. Isn't she adorable with those little pigtails and that dress? Yes, yes she is. More glamour shots here.

Meanwhile, it sounds like Jake and Gram and Poppy are having lots of fun at the lake. We heard that Jake caught his first fish - a sunny! Here he is at Amazement Square, a kids museum in Lynchburg.
We miss you Jake!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

An adorable little princess she is! And what a big boy Jake is to stay at the lake without Mommy and Daddy! We bet there will be a fun and wonderful reunion today:)