Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Leave it to Beaver

Today we tested out the family model that was pretty popular in this country up until about the time Ali and I were kids. In 1980, just half of married moms worked outside the home. By 1999, the number rose to 70 percent. The number is probably higher these days, but Google has let me down and I can't find more recent statistics just now.

In any case, Ali's first day at home with the kids went off without a hitch. She made a game out of cleaning Jake's jelly-fingered smudges off the windows, and then took everyone to the park to enjoy the beautiful spring weather. When I pulled into our driveway I saw little Jake look up from his tricycle, excited to see me (well, probably more excited to see the scooter), and Ali cuddling Sadie in the warm sun. I'm sure Ali's day had its hiccups, but the scene I came home to beat anything from Leave It to Beaver. For one thing, there was no Eddie Haskell around. And for another, everything was in color. Black and white just can't capture spring buds on the trees.

I've got Sadie on my lap now, and we've been talking about her future, the Wizards future, our future family dinners -- anything to lull her to sleep. Sadie's a good listener. She makes eye contact to let me know she's paying attention, and she hardly ever interrupts. Ali's upstairs hopefully catching up on some sleep from last night. The house is quiet, the windows are open to let the breeze in, and the neighborhood dogs aren't barking. It's pretty much all a guy could ask for.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm not kidding, save some of these comments somehow. You will all love reading them in furture years. We all forget just how special and precious these first years are with little children. You see life all over again through their eyes. Priceless:)