Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Sadie and my new camera

With Jake gone this week, it's been nice to spend some extra time with Sadie. Normally when I come home from work, I take Jake and give Ali a bit of a rest. By the time he's in bed, Sadie is either asleep or fussy. Tonight she entertained herself staring at the ceiling fan while we ate our dinner. Then she gave us some noises to let us know she could use some company. I picked her up and rocked her a little and talked to her about my new camera (see below) and she started giving me some cute little smiles. Ali snapped this shot of us while the poor Wizards lost another one to Lebron (pictured) and his Cavaliers. It was a respectable game, though, and if Jake had been here to shout "Go Wizards!" they just might have pulled one out.

Yesterday, my early birthday present arrived - a Nikon D40. Ali is notorious for giving me presents early and I am notorious for not being able to wait, so it all works out. So far, I love this camera. It is so quick and responsive, and takes beautiful portrait shots that only an SLR with a big fat lens can. I hope my little Panasonic isn't jealous. She's been very good to us, and will continue to specialize in being tiny, taking good stills and surprisingly good movies.

Here's our Panasonic FX01 taking a picture of our Nikon D40:

And here's the Nikon taking a picture of the Panasonic:

A side-by-side shot was not possible, and too much time and mirror angling was spent thinking about how to accomplish this.

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