Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Jake's Two Year checkup

We took Jake into the doc for his two-year checkup this morning. We barely made it there because Sadie didn't sleep well between the hours of about 12:00 and 6:00 a.m., but then she did sleep well after that, and so did we. And Jake decided to sleep in later than normal, and we haven't set an alarm clock in about two years, so we finally woke up at 7:40 and somehow got everyone (including Mr. Potato Head who goes everywhere with us now) ready and out the door and to Jake's 8:00 a.m. appointment on time. I'm not sure everyone had pants on, but we were there.

Jake had a great checkup and the doc says he's doing very well with his fine motor skills, his vocabulary, and his social interactions. And he's off the charts for height-- although he wasn't crazy about getting measured and we first had to measure Mr. Potato Head who is still holding steady at 6 inches. Jake, on the other hand, broke through the yard barrier and came in at 37 1/2 inches! That's two inches taller than I was at his age (see chart below). He weighs just over 29 pounds, and that bumped him up a bit in the percentile range from the 50's, where he's always been, to the 65th percentile.

He did have to get a shot, but it's his last one until Kindergarten, and he got a Wyle E. Coyote band-aid, so that helped some. We had a nice day with Jake today, and it's pretty neat to think about how much he's grown in the last two years. We went on our family walk after dinner and he just seemed so grown up walking with us. He was chatty and inquisitive and funny and he made Ali and I smile, thinking about the little boy he's turning into.

Oh, and just so this post is a little balanced, Sadie is doing great also! She is the happiest, smiliest baby I've ever seen. I've really only been around two babies, including Sadie and Jake, but I can't imagine there are many as happy as she is. I got to spend some extra time with her today since I took the day off and she just loves to bounce and to look at people and to smile. And she's starting to giggle when Jake makes faces at her, which is the cutest thing ever.


PatrickandDeni said...

We can't wait to see you guys this weekend and see how the wee ones have grown.

Anonymous said...

Nice post as usual. I don't know where you find the time. But thanks for keeping up with it. It's fun to read and the photos are great.


Anonymous said...

Jake sure is growing up! Thought you might be intested to know that Jake's Uncle Paul was 28# at two. I didn't record the height but have it at 18 mos. - 34.5". It looks like Jake might have been a similar height at 18 mos.? Might beat his dad in height at this rate!
Looking forward to seeing everyone this coming week!