Thursday, December 13, 2007


We were driving around and we heard a blowing noise from the backseat. We looked back and Jake was blowing furiously at something on his finger. Ali asked if he was making a wish by blowing away an eyelash. "No," he said, "it's a potato". And on closer inspection, he had a little ball of earwax on his forefinger that wasn't exactly blowing away like an eyelash. Why does Jake think he has potatoes in his ears? Well, when we give him his bath, Ali tells him she's cleaning the potatoes out of his ears. Where did she come up with this? Apparently it's a family tradition that's been passed down through the generations. Although it's a cute saying, I am getting a little worried about the confusion that may arise now that Jake's helping out quite a bit in the kitchen.


carol said...

What a vision - Dad and I are laughing outloud as we read this and visualize Jake blowing the little bitty potato off his finger:) You guys sure keep us laughing! Although I am in large part Irish, I sure never heard any of these sayings!

Feel better, Ryan.


Anonymous said...

We were always told that if we didn't clean our ears potatoes would grow in them. In fact if anything got dirty in our house it was referred as being dirty enough to grow spuds in. A phrase I use to this day. Apparantly a reference to how deep potatoes grow and how much soil they need.

PatrickandDeni said...

That was me by the way. Yeah it 5.30 and I cant get to sleep/

Cara Schatz said...

One of my ex boyfriends used to say that and it always struck me as weird and gross- but I guess that is the idea, it IS gross to grow potatoes in your ears... so I suppose that I can thank him for my obsessive q-tip usage... but it feels SO GOOD to clean your ears, I hate to sully the whole ritual by bringing carbs into the conversation.

Gram & Poppy said...

That Jake! Anything for a laugh! Actually, I was surprised that no one made a comment about his saying: "Daddy, I kiss your heart!" That was so touching.
But I guess everyone loves a good laugh!

Tradition! Ah, I remember it well!

Poppy and Gram

Anonymous said...

I remember the 'ole potato in the ear lie I would hear at the Ferguson household. Ryan, you should also be on the look out for Pop trying to wash the freckles off your kids and the white lines under your finger nails are the lies you have told.

(Leading to another female trait; all girls paint their finger nails.)

Also, I have an overwhelming fear of corn - only because my Uncle insisted that it had ears, and that scared me very much.