Sunday, March 2, 2008

Getting Ready for St. Patrick's Day

Saturday was Alexandria's St. Patrick's Day Parade, and funny dog show and car show, etc., and we went down to check things out. It was a bit chilly, so we ducked into a Chipotle for a bite and to warm up. We got some seats right at the window looking out on the parade route and ate some traditional Irish fare -- guacamole and chips (hey, at least the guacamole was green). The parade was fun and both kids enjoyed the show. And we were happy because on the way home, two great things happened: 1) we stopped at the Italian Store in Arlington to pick up some hoagies and 2) both kids fell asleep which meant we could thoroughly enjoy our hoagies.

Here we are in Old Town, outside of a pub waiting for Ali to check out the scene inside. Turns out it was a bit too crowded for our little leprechauns: Oh, for those of you out there with little kids: I read somewhere that a funny thing to do on St. Patrick's Day is to mess up the house after the kids go to bed -- turn over furniture, open drawers, put pots and pans on the carpet -- and then tell your kids that the leprechauns came! The only challenge for us will be to make the distinction between the mess that Jake and Sadie make on a daily basis, and what the 'leprechauns' do.


Gram & Poppy said...

Two little Irish Angels!

Anonymous said...

I love that! I am totally going to play that trick on joel and see if he believes the little men actually came!