Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Is this thing plugged in?

Ok, first big decision: pick a title. You can't just name your blog "Ryan's blog". Who would read that? Gotta find a title that's edgy; something that speaks to the masses; and most importantly, something that isn't already taken.

Sic Transit Gloria? Already taken. I thought it sounded adequately pretentious, and it's a quote from my favorite movie but obscure enough where I could have just pretended I'm a Latin scholar.

Blog Bites Man? Taken. I thought that was pretty clever, but I guess someone else did too.

Blogarithm? Just kidding. That's even too lame for me. And it's probably taken.

So, I went with "tripdub", a phrase I coined as an abbreviation for "dubbya dubbya dubbya" or "www" when referring to the start of a website. Yeah, I know, it's pretty cool. It's also a big time saver for slow talkers (and listeners to slow talkers). I plan to copyright it and license it to the highest bidder.

This blog will be a new home for baby related news, as the old Jake site got too cumbersome to update.


PatrickandDeni said...

So we are the first comments on the new blog. (I think we are the first ones to read it too.)
Hooray for Jake and a yet to be named sister.

Unknown said...

Great site/blog. A lot of fun to read. Someone sounds like a professional blogger. I hope you can find time later to keep it up. You might be a little more busy than you are now.

We can't wait to see Jake's Little Sister.

Mom & Dad