Thursday, March 8, 2007


When we picked Jake up from daycare today he didn't really want to leave so we used an increasingly effective bribery technique: Pizza. I'm not sure he knows exactly what pizza is -- I think to Jake, "pizza" covers a group of cheesy dinner options including quesadillas and grilled cheese sandwiches. In any case, he gets pretty excited and his excitement is contagious. His chants of "Pizza Pizza Pizza!" bring out the copycat kids in his class. They may or may not know what pizza is, but they love a good chant and some of them start jumping up and down while others stop picking their noses to see what all the commotion is about. Ali and I started to get excited, too, thinking about delivery pizza and the lack of preparation and cleanup required.

We decided to try the Mexican pizza from zpizza. It's not exactly Two Amy's, but they do a good job with their non-traditional toppings. The Mexican pizza comes with fresh cilantro which I think is one of those flavors we're all genetically programmed to either like or hate. So, in the interest of science I was curious to see Jake's reaction. He ate some, and put the rest in his milk cup, which is where most of his food ends up these days. So, jury's still out on Jake v. Cilantro. He did have fun trying to fold his little piece of pizza just like daddy.

After dinner I got out the camera trying to capture Jake's emphatic "PIZZA PIZZAAAA!!" on video. I didn't get that, but like any good actor, sometimes their best work is unscripted. Enjoy.


Stacey said...

Ummm, what does he say at the end of that?!!? Its not something he heard from me is it?? YIKES!

PatrickandDeni said...

Yeah, what DOES he say?

Anonymous said...

he didn't get that from his great grandpop

Unknown said...

So Jake spends ten minutes in the office with us and that is what he learns....not PHP, not XML, not SQL. Look at the bright side, at least he didn't learn any really bad words like industrywatch, decisionbrix, or xpress :)