Friday, March 16, 2007

First Night

Here's Sadie at about four hours old. She's all cleaned up and resting in our room with us right now. It's pretty quiet here on the maternity ward tonight, even though it's a full house which the nurses all swear is because of the weird weather pattern that rolled in today.

This is a tough post because my head is still spinning from everything that happened today, and the fact that I've been up for about 20 hours. There's so much to say, so I'll have to just go over the highlights:

So far, Sadie has impressed us with her beautiful face, curly dark hair, long toes, and her terrific eating habits. She definitely looks different than Jake did as a newborn. Size-wise she's 1/2 pound lighter and only 1/4 inch shorter than Jake was at this age. If she grows at Jake's rate, she'll be able to put up a good fight when they're old enough to start arguing over the Sit-n-Spin.

A HUGE thanks to our Moms and Dads (especially the Dads) for taking good care of Jake today. We missed him, but we knew he was having fun and that was a big relief. It was so great to finally see him at around 7 tonight. He seemed like such a big boy, not just in comparison to little Sadie, but in how he was gentle with recouperating Mommy and how he wanted to show us he was ok leaving us and going home with Gram and Poppy tonight. He seemed to handle this crazy day in stride, which bodes well for the crazy future we have in front of us.

Funniest moment of the night: The baby nurse came by around 10:30 to go over the baby basics: Input, Output, Troubleshooting, etc. In the middle of her talk, we hear this tinny, loud crying baby. "Hold on a sec," she says, "I have to take this call". Yep, that was the Baby Nurse's cell phone ringer.


Stacey said...

SHE IS BEAUTIFUL!! What a perfect complexion! Seriously, she looks so much like Ali already. CONGRATS!! She is amazing!

Anonymous said...

congratulations! Wow- what a cute little girl- love the name, and almost a st. paddy's day baby! close enough, though- best wishes to the all..

PatrickandDeni said...

She is beautiful. We are sooooo happy for you guys. Jake is going to be a wonderful big brother.

winegddss said...

What a beautiful little baby girl !! Already a head tuner ! Congrats !

Anonymous said...

Sadie is beautiful, Her name is also beautiful! We want to congrautlate all of you and wish you the best as you adapt to 2 children, house chores, work, curious neighbors and family. Rayn and Ali, I hope we get a chance to see Sadie before she starts school. Lets see... are t heir any weddings coming up - I don't think so, I guess we will have to plan a trip to the south to visit all of you.

Cousin Carol