Thursday, March 15, 2007

Here she comes!

Ali had a checkup today and everything looks great and we're going in tomorrow morning at 7am for an induction! Well, Ali's getting inducted. But not like a Hall of Famer. I should say induced. Don't worry, this does not invalidate all the March 16th guesses. We didn't decide until a few hours ago, so it's still a surprise to you, our loyal readers.

My mental state is:
20% tired from Ali's tossing and turning
60% excited
5% nervous
15% curious about Jake's reaction

Ali's mental state is:
80% tired of being pregnant
90% excited
40% nervous
75% curious about Jake's reaction

I know Ali's numbers don't add up to 100% but I didn't want to be the one to tell her.

Thanks for everyone's well wishes. Keep your fingers crossed for us tomorrow over your coffee and donuts. But, be careful not to spill your coffee with those crossed fingers. Youch!

1 comment:

PatrickandDeni said...

So does this mean we have to get a cab from the airport?