Saturday, March 17, 2007


In response to Jason's post, and other questions, Sadie's middle name Sabina comes from my Dad's maternal grandmother, Sabina Steckel. She was a sweet lady that I wish I could have gotten to spend more time with. What I remember most was her kindness and her skills in the kitchen. I still remember being around 4 years old and tasting her potato knishes, stuffed cabbage leaves, and most of all, her rugelah cookies. She didn't have any written recipes, but luckily my Mom watched her closely and recorded an approximation of her rugelah recipe.

We did a little research on the history of the name, which comes from the Sabine tribe that populated the hills north of Rome in ancient times. Many of the stories depict the Sabine women as selfless peacemakers, marrying Roman men to end years of bloody wars with the Romans. Other stories are less pleasant, questioning the "choice" the Sabine women had in that arrangement. In any case, we'll tell Sadie the happy version and she can go to Wikipedia when she's older.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good. Now we can get some sleep.